Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Her breath comes out in puffs of white, a testament to the coldness in the air. The horse moves underneath her, she can feel the tendons working hard to keep up the quick pace she's set for him to follow. She can hear the pounding of hooves behind her and she knows that they're catching up.

The corset she wears is far too tight for riding, the whalebone cutting into her rib cage and jabbing sharp points into her hips and underarms. Whoever put her into this corset would have to be throttled later.


Where was he? She feels like he should be with her now. Riding beside her, away from whatever they've just done. She can't remember. It must have been important. The hooves beating on the ground intensify, there are so many. She can't look back. Can't find her brother... there's rain on her face, it tastes like warmth and salt.

The cold hard ground, covered in soft white is transitioning to browns and the powder is beginning to look more like sand. The rain and mud of the Greenshields is being swept away and replaced with dry dirt and long grasses. It looks like an ocean in green and silver.

She hears the horse beneath her cry out in pain, he rears back. Bright red blurs her vision. The whole world shakes as she falls from his back, the ground seems so far away...

Green eyes snap open, her mattress rises to meet her body, the jolt of it forcing her to full consciousness.

And she knows that sleep will not return this night.

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